Wednesday, March 28, 2012

High Fructose Corn Syrup...

So... by the title, this little post is about the joyous, yummy, yet equally bad for you substance... HFCS :(.  This little thing is causing me so many instances of sadness as I go to the Cannon wanting some ketchup with my fries, or I want some juice, or even some bread.  It is really quite pitiful that so many foods are layered with this, but anyways to the point.  I am doing this for extra credit, I am going 5 days without eating anything with HFCS, easier said than done.  It will be a challenge but... hello 7 points extra credit! I think definite yes :).  So at the end of this school week, I will report back on what I learned, and maybe even some of the surprise foods that have HFCS hidden in them.
I also by the way had to find out my BMI and go on, which shows you how many calories/how many servings of what you should eat.  It's pretty handy.  I suggest everyone use it because if you didn't know... fun fact... 67% of americans are either overweight or obese and since the 1980's the number has been consistent, or increasing (not one year with decreasing numbers).  Stay healthy my friends :)

                                                                     Naughty ketchup! :(

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