Friday, March 16, 2012

Even more...

I also plan on using some of these amazing quotes further on in my paper:

-“We have data that shows some teachers are amazing, they get amazing outcomes and, if you, as a student, get a bunch of those in a row, you do great. And some are the opposite of amazing and, if you get a bunch of those in a row, you do very poorly. Yet we don't evaluate teachers” (Gates).
-“now it's all based on seniority and do I have a master's degree--it's completely independent of student outcomes” (Gates).
-“The National Crime Victimization Survey data show that an estimated 2.7 million violent crimes take place annually either at or near schools (Nolin, Davies, & Chandler)” (Harrison 39).
-“The general pattern was that the problems were the most severe in urban schools, and least severe in suburban schools, with rural schools in the middle” (Harrison 48).
-“TENURE, seniority-based pay scales, strict working condition regulations, and similar restrictions are a central part of the nation's publics school systems, designed to protect teachers from the whims of their superiors and from political influence. In most school systems, once teachers serve two or three years, they are, within certain parameters, largely assured of lifetime employment. Removing a tenured teacher requires serious commitment” (Hess and Maranto 1).
-"And observers hail the apparent successes of administrative reforms overseas and in American state and local governments.  [They] have seemingly saved large sums of money and improved public service, in part by ending tenure and making the jobs of high-level managers contingent on meeting performance goals specified in their contracts. (Hess and Maranto 1).

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