Monday, April 9, 2012

Last Blog Post... for now

So, I don't know exactly what to do for an Evaluative Conclusion but I shall sum up my experience not only of this blog but of the class.  To describe Writing 150: hmmm, it was my very first class at BYU.  My first class on my first day.  I remember coming out the first day and texting my then boyfriend about how excited I was.  I had taken a semester off and was so grateful to be back in school, back to learning.   I didn't really know what to expect and perhaps at first I was a little intimidated, a little nervous.  I didn't know if the skills from high school would be helpful or harmful.  Anyways, I eventually got adjusted, I eventually got use to the people and I really started to enjoy it.  I liked what we did in class, the papers weren't too bad, and for a BYU class... it was super small.  It was a nice step up from my classes back home, to this class, to my 200 people anthropology and sociology classes.  So to the papers, although I'm not entirely sure what paper I like best... I feel that the rhetorical analysis was what I worked the hardest on and what I'm pretty good at, while the restaurant review was definitely the most fun, and then the research paper... I wanted to die, and then the personal narrative was just hard for me to think of what I wanted to say.  Okay, but to end this blog before I get swept up into talking about papers or something else....  I was really glad to have this blog because... a lot has happened, a lot that I will want to reflect back on and remember.  I got engaged this semester, I worked on planning my wedding, I had a ton of BYU experiences that I might not get to experience ever again.  Although I was a little forgetful and at times very far behind in my writing.  I appreciate what the blog is used for and I like the idea of having it.  I can't promise I'll continue but... I might.  I'm not going to make it my goal or anything but I think in general to just document our lives is a great thing.  Journal writing has always been tough but perhaps this will be a new way for me.  I'm really glad for this semester and just everything I've experienced.  And.. it's not over, I'll be here for Spring... YAY! :( just kidding.  I'm excited for the Spring term, hopefully it will be as great as Winter.  Wish me luck ! :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday... Night

So I of course spent Easter with my fiance, and we spent some great time outside in the sun, reading the scriptures, talking to each other and our families, and eventually cooking and eating.  I usually am pretty good at cooking but for some reason today... my brownies were awful, not kidding, just awful.  My pasta came out very well however so we did have some food to eat but boy... they were rock hard.  I could knock on them and they didn't break.  Gosh... embarrassing :)

Remember this is not my kitchen ... or it would be much cleaner... welcome to the male dorms at Wyview.

Easter Sunday

No it's not just the holiday about bunnies, or candy, or eggs for that matter... today is so significant in the fact that it's all about our Savior, it's all about Jesus Christ and the amazing sacrifice that He did for all of us.  Today at church it was amazing.  There were moving musical numbers, there were talks testifying of the greatest of Jesus Christ and His love for each one of His children, there was even great weather.  I really enjoyed today and I enjoyed being able to remember even more than normal how lucky I am to know the truth, to have the true gospel in my life, and to have an ever growing relationship with my Savior.


So apparently I was so excited about this weekend that... I totally forgot that Friday was amazing as well.  I went to go see Humor U with my fiance.  It was really incredible and ... I was actually quite surprised.  I'm not typically an easy ha ha person.  It takes a bit to make me really sincerely laugh but... this did it.  These were really very talented people and you could totally tell that they love what they do.

Here's a little clip from one of their shows, they really are super funny and although Divine Comedy might get the popular vote, this group is definitely going to be on the radar.

I would try to actually put the whole video on here but... I don't know how to do that :), but follow the link and you'll see :)

Oh and I did not pre-watch this little clip so... the following clip is not the viewpoints of the author and does not reflect her views or opinions.


So... to follow the dress shopping... My fiance and I went to work on our registry!  This was actually quite an exciting experience because:
#1: we had only looked and signed up for things online
#2: we got pick out the things we want but won't have to pay for :)
#3: they gave us this really cool scanner hand held machine, it was pretty cool!

It was really a great time (worth the immense bike ride), and we even decided to change our towels... BIG DECISION :)  Overall, it was a great time and I've never been  more excited for presents.

P.S. picture is obviously not from us, those are not our names and ... we aren't having a baby before anyone freaks out :)

I found it!

So, as the result of many hours shopping, many hours spent in dressing rooms, many hours feeling static electrified .... I FOUND MY DRESS! I found the dress that will be the first dress I wear after I'm married.  The dress I'll wear at my reception, the dress that will be worn all the pictures, the dress I'll remember for the rest of my life :).  It was a great day... and because I broke tradition ... I can show you all.

                                    Breaking tradition.... TOTALLY WORTH IT!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Brownlee's Established 1970

Today I interviewed my future in-laws for an assignment for my LDS marriage and family class.  I thought it was going to be quite awkward but I actually learned a lot about them.  I had to ask about their marriage and what they thought made it successful, and what gospel doctrine did they find most helpful, etc.  Through interviewing them I saw a lot of the reasons why my fiance is the way he is.  I'm so thankful to have a great future family to enter into, and I hope all will remember what's really important and always put family first.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Finale! of the paper...phew!

            I saw our neighbors leaving, packing up their minivan; I didn’t think it seemed all that bad.  Our power only had just gone out and I was still painting my nails.  The color, power outage pink, I thought was quite fitting.  I had never experienced something of this magnitude, something that could potentially damage my home, my town, and my life.  I was worried although trying my best to not show it.  My dad went out to talk to them, wearing a poncho over his Carhartt pants, and thick rubber work boots.  He came back soaking wet even with all of his protective clothing.   They were leaving before they were demanded to do so.  That’s when I got the saddest command that made me feel helpless and weak. 
            “Get a few things together, we’ll find a place to go” my dad said.
            “Why can’t we stay? It isn’t that bad, we barely just lost power.  What’s going to happen to us?” I answered.
            “We have to leave before the storm gets too bad and we are trapped.”  I responded with silence, I didn’t know what to say.  I had never been evacuated; the weather had never been bad enough.  I didn’t know what to pack.  What could I not live without?  I looked around my room realizing that I might not ever see my room again.  I saw my bed, my pictures, and even my Jonas Brother’s poster.  I don’t think I ever truly appreciated all that I had, all that I was blessed with.  I had always had a home, my family close by, pretty much whatever I needed and most of what I wanted.  I was holding back tears as I packed, as I packed my memories away, or said goodbye to them for what could be forever.  I only had moments before I shut my bedroom door, put my rain boots on, and got in the car.  It was just in time as we later found out. 
We found refuge at my dad’s co-worker’s house but not before we passed bridges and roads closed, parking lots filled with water, and the roaring river as it came ever closer to wiping out the only street left in town.  It had never taken us this long to get to Shaftsbury; it was like rush hour in the city.  My dad even ran a red light on the way there; I suppose he was just as nervous as I was. 
            Mike Lilly however had power, little rain, and a police scanner which was tremendously helpful as it provided background noise to the overwhelming silence as well as much needed information.  He was upbeat about the weather and assured us that it wasn’t more than a few inches of rain. 
            “It isn’t too bad, would you say?  I think the rains last spring were more than this” Mike joked.  He was a jolly looking man, with a round belly and a white beard.  He could possibly play Santa Claus at the upcoming Christmas program.  He had been a firefighter and as it appeared could not be frightened.  It was there, at his house, that we waited out the storm.  We talked, we ate, and we watched T.V.  With my family around me I felt at home, I felt safe as if nothing could hurt us.  Just as the rains eventually ceased so did my worries. 
            We did get to go home later that night, and what a happy homecoming it was.  We were all glad to be back under our own roof.  Even better… there was no damage, not any at all.   
As we unpacked my dad asked, “So what did you think of the hurricane?”
My answer was confident, and unwavering, “I’m glad it’s over, but thankful it came.”

You're the best!

Elder Neil L. Andersen was one of the many great speakers at this year's General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  With describing discipleship, he used many tools that helped encourage the audience to believe and even act on his words.  One of these tools was story telling.  Throughout his talk he told three stories, including two that made a strong impact.  With Thomas S. Monson in one, and little children nearly escaping a deathly situation in the other, he was able to encourage pathos among the crowd.  Most in his audience have a strong love and testimony of Thomas S. Monson anyways, but the story shows him being thoughtful, kind, loving, and taking time out for even the smallest, and perhaps unimportant person.  It shows him as a great man, which although most of the audience already knows, he is building their testimony not only of the principle of discipleship but a testimony of the prophet.  And of course, the story of the children shows what great faith can do, how miracles can happen. It's hard not to get emotional when talking about a family perhaps losing their children.  There isn't much sadder circumstances.  He also used lots of questions in a way to make us think individually about how we are doing, "What thinks Christ of me?," he asked multiple times, using repetition as another tool.  He referred to scripture, other talks, and even Jesus Christ, gaining credibility or ethos by this tool.  And lastly in general he used a lot of words that sounds nice together, nice alliterations, as well as using a lot of opposites: friend or foe, approvingly/disapprovingly, etc.  Overall, through using these strategies, Elder Andersen was persuasive and was able to move the audience with great power and authority.

Some favorite quotes from his talk:
"Discipleship is not a competition for all, rather an opportunity for all"
"Be not afraid, only believe"
"We are on the right road"
"He did not forget her"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


My high fructose diet is officially over!!! I handed in my extra credit work today and will be looking forward to the extra 7 points :).  Anyways, while doing this study... I was.... HUNGRY!!!  I missed the good days when I could eat ice cream, when I wasn't always having to check labels, when I had food freedom.  Although I do appreciate the fact that I do now acknowledge more of what I consume, I like my sugary, fatty food and I will enjoy it until my metabolism calms to a screeching stop and I'm forced to eat salad.