Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Talk...always a good thing :)

To realize that things can actually be exactly how they appear, or act, or even seem may be a little out of reach for most of us.  In my life at least, I've noticed people who seem super nice, so friendly, and then you walk away and well.... the horns, the tail, and the pitchfork come out.  In David A. Bednar's talk, "Things As They Really Are", Elder Bednar connects this idea of things being really what they are not only to media, and technology but to our bodies, and overall roles as sons and daughters of God.  He makes it clear that although these great technology of our day can be wonderful and be used to create/discover/event/explore/learn/etc. these things can also be a tool for Satan.  Gosh, it seems that whenever we get something that seems really great.... there is Satan laughing and being overly happy because he sees the potential for evil.  Okay but really quick side story, I actually have talked a bit to Elder Bednar, :o i know, it was a surprise for me as well.  Coming from a small (less than 60 people on an average Sunday) branch in Vermont, I never thought I would get to talk to an apostle, come on, what were the chances? But almost 2 years ago, my small branch was selected with 2 others across America to have a Q&A session (using some sort of Skype program) with both Elder Bednar, and Elder Scott.  We could ask them anything, and they would answer.  It was by far the most spiritual event that has ever happened in my life.  Obviously we still all talk about it because it was such a big deal.  But anyways, back to the talk, :), my favorite section was when Bednar talked about us being the chosen generation.  I remember once at Youth Conference, having a counselor in the stake presidency, bear his testimony of the faith he had in the youth.  That he was confident in the future, and in the fact that the church would continue to grow because he knew us and what kind of people we were.  I remember feeling the Spirit really strong, I felt a personal connection.  I knew the responsibility was mine.  I had an obligation to build up the Church and to do my part.  God kept me back for this time on Earth, He needs me now, and this is the time selected for me to reach my full potential.  It's incredible! Yep, that's all I can say because it makes me... I don't even know how to describe it.  So lesson of this little tale :), can and should we use the internet and online sites, technology etc....  YES!  should we spend 16 hours a day glued to facebook and twitter, and do nothing else... NO!  Okay, i'm glad we got that settled.  :)

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